Saturday, March 31, 2007

Official Weight

I suppose you are not suposed to reveal a lady's weight and age, but I don't think she will mind. At 28 days, Addi weighs 5 pounds and 7 ounces. That is up 3 ounces from when she left Vanderbilt last Saturday and a total gain of 10 ounces since birth. Not bad for a young lady that has had heart surgery. She is also taking Lasix which is probably holding back an ounce or two of fluid that would normally be there. Her pediatrician was pleased with her progress. We got to spend last evening with Addi and her Mom and Dad. I think they are going to bring her by this evening for another visit. I thank God for this period of relative normalcy that she is having so we can all enjoy this sweet baby. Hopefully the next surgery can be held off for a few months. Normal is nice. Pray for Addi to eat well and grow so she will be strong. We have seen the results of all of your prayers.

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

1 comment:

drKruminator said...

How exciting! I'm sure it's a long road ahead, so I'm glad it's beginning on strong footing.