Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cardiologist Visit 04/29

Dr. Liske is pleased with Addison's progess, however, they did find a couple of areas of concern on her ECHO. She has a pulmonary artery valve leak and the Glenn area of the repair has some narrowing. These are both things that will require surgery to correct. The hope is that she will be able to wait for the repairs until the next big surgery in a couple of years. They will be monitoring it every couple of months with an ECHO to make sure it hasn't gotten worse. Chances are she will have to have a heart cath eventually so they can get a better look at how narrow the Glenn area is and how much leakage there is in the valve. With the heart cath, they can also measure the pressure of the blood flowing through these areas.

The news was a little disappointing, because she seems to be doing so well, but I am still grateful that we have doctors that are up front with us and giving her the best care possible. I am also grateful that these new developments are not causing her any symptoms at this point. They have decreased her Lasix back down to what she was taking before the surgery. This is good, because her soft spot has been very depressed. They also increased her heart medication.

She weighed 15lbs and 2 ozs, was 28 1/2 inches long and her O2 sat was 90%.

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