Addi made a surprise visit to Indiana to see her Great Papaw. I think he was pretty happy to get to meet his first great grandchild. He knew we were coming, but didn't know Addi and her Mommy and Daddy were coming too. Aunt Tracy and Uncle Phillip were there for a weekend gospel meeting, so we had a very nice little family reunion at Great Uncle Dave's house.
Addison got her vaccinations a few hours before we all piled into the car for the 4 hour trip. It was a recipe for disaster, but she did great. She slept all the way there. Mommy gave her some Tylenol drops to ward off a fever and it worked. She was fussy on Friday and had a little bit of an upset tummy, but other than that she was fine. By Saturday, she was back to being pleasant again. Thanks to all of you that prayed for her to have an easy time with her shots.
As she gets older, she is staying awake more. She has also learned the fine art of fighting sleep. In other words she is acting like a normal baby, for which we are so very thankful.
Luke 11:8-10 So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.
Glad all is going well!
Great work.
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