Addi is 5 months old now. Her surgery is in 10 days. Please pray fervently for her and her medical team! We want her to go into the operating room with the best possible chance. Your prayers can help us with that goal. Thank you to everyone that is taking a few minutes each day to petition our Heavenly Father on Addison's behalf.
How beautiful! She is in my prayers!
Amber Sugg
Children's Minister
1st United Methodist Church
Murray KY
Addi is beautiful. I will be praying for her. I am step-mom to Josh, 8, HLHS. We are only about 30 minutes from you in Grand Rivers, KY. Josh lives with his mom in Calvert City. Please visit his site to see how Josh is thriving. God answers prayers! It is by His grace and mercy that we have these special children with us today! Thank you Jesus!
Lisa A. Spencer
Grand Rivers, KY
Step-mom to Josh, 8, HLHS, doing great by the grace of God
Josh's site: http://www.geocities.com/darylandlisa/
Josh’s carepage: www.carepages.com JoshuaThomasSpencer
Mom to Alissa, HH, 6.5, and Abbi, HH, 5
What a beautiful baby! We got an email about her surgery. We live in Tennessee, and my father just had heart surgery in December at Vanderbilt. (I know the Children's part is different...) They are wonderful there in every aspect! We could not believe how everything is so perfectly done to achieve the best and fastest results. We will surely be keeping this sweet one and her family in our prayers.
Addison is precious! I am praying for her health and strength as well as comfort and strength for the entire family.
Summer (Roberson) Cross
My name is Mary Jane Roberson. I live in Murray, KY. I just finished reading your sight and looking at all the precious pictures. I just fell in love with Addi. I will keep her and all of you in my prayers daily. I can't wait to see your next entry. Addi is such a beautiful little girl. God bless you all and keep his loving arm around you.
Mary Jane
She is a real cutie! We worship with Adam & Rosie, so have heard about Addison. My niece had a complete heart transplant at 6 weeks of age and she is now 16 years old! So, we really understand the importance of prayer in this situation and will remember Addison in the days to come.
Dear Teresa,
I receive the email prayer chains from First Baptist, which now include your beautiful and precious little Addison. I think of and pray for all of you frequently, and eagerly await recent news. I hope our paths cross again sometime, Teresa. Until then, I send a BIG HUG your way. Gary and I think fond thoughts of your family.
Roberta Jones
Fraank Chumley here. I have know the parents of Sis. Ellen, Bro. & Sis. Foy Short for many years and I remember a few years ago of praying for Ellen's son and wife. I will also pray for this baby and the who family.
God Is Good my prayers are with you!
Frank Chumley
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